June 23, 2024

The 5th Sunday After Pentecost

June 23, 2024

The Rev. R. Allan McCaslin 

Readings:  1 Samuel 17:32-49; Psalm 9:9-20; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41 

From this morning’s Psalm, “… you never forsake those who seek you, O LORD.” I speak to you in the Name of God our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustaining Sanctifier. Amen.

   While reflecting on this morning’s scripture lessons over the past few days, I skipped over our Old Testament lesson. After all, while a powerful story from Israel’s history, I couldn’t see how this gruesome event fit with the rest of today’s lessons, let alone our lives today. And when I noticed that our Lectionary offered an alternative reading, I was tempted to choose it instead. Nevertheless, I could not get this story of David and Goliath out of my mind. And the more I prayed and asked what it is that the Holy Spirit desires to say to us through all of today’s scriptures, it was this story from 1st Samuel that continued to resonate in my heart because, the truth is, its teaching is incredibly timely given all that is happening around us and within us today.

     I think it safe to assume that most, if not all of us, know the story of David and Goliath having heard it over and again as children in Sunday School. And let’s face it: there is something appealing about a story where the little guy overcomes the big guy. But this story is so much more than a battle between two seemingly unmatched adversaries. In fact, it ties in with our readings from the Gospel according to St. Mark, and St. Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian Church.

     Now, throughout that second letter, St. Paul has warned the church that rumors and slanderous statements about members will destroy a community of faith faster than any outside influence or person. In today’s particular reading, Paul, who has borne the brunt of vicious criticism from those envious of his close relationship with the congregation, and who now grieves that the very church he founded is on the brink of schism, chooses to take the higher road. Paul, while having every right to respond in anger to those who have sullied his reputation, says the time has come not to argue, but to be reconciled: to forgive one another; to see and treat each other as equals in Christ and in the sight of God. Paul says the way to resolve any division or dispute, the way to build community, is not through might or violence, but rather, Paul says, by “(Opening) your hearts to each other as my heart is open to you.” Paul doesn’t let the scary circumstances he found brewing in that Church get in the way of his commitment to witness to, and to seek and serve, Christ in all persons – even those who were so critical of him.

     The first chapter of the Gospel according to St. Mark opens by stating that Jesus of Nazareth came preaching the good news of God’s kingdom saying, “Repent” – or re-think how you live – “for the Kingdom of God is at hand – it is here, right now:” A kingdom where God, alone, is sovereign and every person – every one of us – is equal in our need for God’s grace. In today’s reading, the disciples’ question, “Do you not care that we are perishing?” quickly turns as Jesus calms the raging storm threatening to overwhelm them so that they now ask, “Who … Who is this, that even the wind and sea obey him?” Mark doesn’t answer that question, but rather, he leaves it to us to realize that Jesus is the Son of God who does care about those who are perishing because he is the fulfillment of God’s promises of redemption, and he alone is able to restore all things to wholeness and peace.

     Those two lessons bring us back to our reading from 1st Samuel. This story of David and Goliath affirms that believers, people of God, are never alone in our circumstances. See, Goliath appeared as someone utterly invincible. So much so King Saul’s army was ready to surrender and not even try to fight. Then David steps forward and volunteers to battle Goliath alone. At first he is clad with not just any armor or weapons, but Saul’s personal armor. But David finds he can’t even walk in it let alone do battle. And that’s an important part of this story because David decides to take off all that armor and prepare to do battle relying upon his God-given gifts and abilities, and upon them alone. The interesting thing is that Goliath – that giant of a man – is clad from head to toe in armor: very heavy armor. So much so our reading describes him as simply approaching David. See, the actual Hebrew text here uses words that suggest the weight of all that armor slowed Goliath down while David, in contrast, was free and able to run here and there, back and forth, until the right moment to strike. Some scholars have suggested that because of his heavy armor, when he fell face down onto the ground, Goliath could not lift himself up or even roll out of danger. And David wins the day.

      This is a great story, and yet it is particularly meaningful and timely for us right now. See, many in this parish – and I would say “too many” - are facing extremely difficult circumstances right now. From disabling and potentially fatal diseases, to declining physical or mental health, to financial worries, to troubles in their relationships, and political banter is dividing their families and threatens to destroy any sense of community. Some are so overwhelmed right now that they question not just the presence of God, but the very existence of God. The truth is they are facing incredible Goliaths not just this morning, but every day. And when considered in light of our readings from Corinthians and Mark, this story about David and Goliath offers encouragement and hope.

See, it affirms that he who appeared as mighty and invincible was no match for him who relied on his God-given gifts and abilities. So, this story invites us to recognize the strengths we already possess by God’s grace. And not only recognize them, but use them to confront the Goliaths we find in our lives. Confront them just as we are, confident that the God we know in Christ, the God of our salvation, the God who looks not upon our outward appearance but what abides in our hearts and minds, the God we know, is, indeed, ever-present to, and with us in times of peace and times of danger, illness, fear, worry or dread, and bewilderment. And for me, there is an even greater although subtle affirmation in this story that is easily overlooked - an affirmation that I find a daily challenge to remember when I come face to face with my Goliaths. (Yes, I have them, too!) Rather than join the soldiers in complaining to God about how big Goliath is, David proclaimed to Goliath how big God is. And that’s important to remember. Think about all that has happened over these past few years: the pandemic, wars in the middle east, Africa, and the Ukraine, unchecked corporate greed driving inflation, the rise of fascism that encourages the despising and dehumanizing of anyone who is different, or believes differently from us, and a political landscape made even more troublesome with the advent of so-called Artificial Intelligence flooding social media. It is no wonder so many people – including people of faith – feel traumatized and unsure of where to turn. The truth is your world, my world, our world today seems to not only confront us with, but create all sorts of Goliaths every day. This Old Testament story reminds us that no matter how great a Goliath may seem, our God is greater.

     Now, do not misunderstand me: God never promised that nothing bad will ever happen. And God does not promise smooth sailing and blue skies every day or our lives. As my colleague the Rev. Rick Morley says, “If you think that is what God promises, you haven’t read your Bible lately.”  See, there are times, friends, when, like the disciples in our Gospel reading, we feel like our boat is being swamped and we are sinking; times when adversaries and critics are overwhelmingly intimidating; times when everything dear to us has changed, or is being changed, or just thrown down; times when we feel like our God-given gifts and abilities are not strong enough in the face of adversity. Our lessons this morning affirm that they are strong enough regardless of circumstances because God is present with us. God stands on that field next to us when we face our Goliaths. God is sitting next to us when, like St. Paul found, someone in the Church maligns us. And as affirmed in our Gospel lesson, God isn’t off in some cushy place but with us in that sinking boat … with us to calm the storm. And here is something else to remember: Not only is God with us when we face and confront the Goliaths in life; As people of God, we are there with each other, too.

     So, invite you this morning to join me in identifying what Goliaths are facing us right now; what storms threaten to overwhelm you? And how might we as a community of faith stand with you and assure you of not only God’s presence and love, but our presence and love as well? I hope you will tell each other because that is what community is about. That is what not only heals trauma and fear, but overcomes Goliaths and storms, and enables us to find peace in the midst of them together.

     The Psalmist said, “you never forsake those who seek you, O LORD.” May God grant us the grace to not only realize that truth, but to be that truth to one another. Always! Amen.