Parish News
Holy Cross is an Episcopal Church and Member of the Diocese of
Western North Carolina
(828) 963-4609
9:00a.m., Holy Cross Sanctuary - Valle Crucis United Methodist Church Service, with Bishop Ken Carter
9:45a.m., Bishop Ives Cabin - Christian Formation (see below for more details)
10:00a.m., Skiles Hall - VCUMC Reception for Bishop Ken Carter. Holy Cross Parishioners are welcome to attend!
11:00a.m., Holy Cross Sanctuary - Holy Eucharist, Rite II: with Music Unction, and Children's Homily. This service is Live-Streamed via our YouTube Channel .
We thank those who will serve:
- Greeters/Oblationers: Derek Eggers & Susan Howard
- Ushers: Derek Eggers & Susan Howard
- Lector: John Goodrich
- Prayers of the People: John Goodrich
- Chalice: Anne Iles & Sis Kinney
- Acolyte: Randy McDonough
- Healing Minister:
- Linen Fairy: Jennifer Browning
- Organist: Shane Watson
12:30p.m., Skiles Hall - Fellowship Time
9:00a.m., Holy Cross Sanctuary - Valle Crucis United Methodist Church Service
12:00p.m., Holy Cross Sanctuary - Ash Wednesday Liturgy with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion
7:00p.m., Holy Cross Sanctuary - Solemn Liturgy for Ash Wednesday with Impopsition of Ashes, Holy Communion, and Hymnody. This service will be Live-Streamed via our YouTube Channel .
News & Happenings
Christian Formation - Discussions on Faith
You are invited to a series of discussions about how our faith impacts our lives. The discussion topics will be focused on the basic of the Episcopal Church and the wider Anglican Communion. We will have discussions on the Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures. Some questions we will explore:
- What is the difference between the parts of Scripture?
- What makes a text Sacred?
- Is the Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures relevant to my life?
- Why do we call it the Old Testament?
This inquirers style class is open to youth and adults. It is designed to help each other learn about our faith tradition while providing an opportunity to contribute with your own learnings, ideas, and faith experiences. The class meets Sundays at 9:45a.m in Skiles Hall , except for Sunday, February 23, when class will take place in Bishop Ives Cabin.
St. Patrick's Day Dinner & Auction
ECW are asking for donations of small items that might be appropriate for a Silent/Live auction during our annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner in honor of Tom McDonough on Saturday, March 15 in Skiles Hall. We could take items that could be combined together to make a gift basket like gift cards, or that stand alone. Call or text Patty Dilley at (508) 450-1604 or email me at and reference St. Patrick’s Day Dinner.
Parish Forum
Please plan to join the Parish Forum after the 11:00 am service on Sunday, March 16, in Skiles Hall. Food will be provided along with an update on the Rector search, a hosted conversation with the Vestry, and information on opportunities to join ministry engagements at Holy Cross. The forum will end by 2:00 pm. Childcare will be provided.
St. John's Summer Concert Announcement
The Vestry of Holy Cross is having trouble identifying a person or group who are willing and able to organize the 2025 annual Summer Concert Series at St. John’s. This series brings bands to beautiful St. John’s one evening per month in the summer months and includes sharing, food, and fellowship. If you are interested in organizing this series by booking bands, coordinating set up, and troubleshooting with a small team, Rev. Robert needs to hear from you ASAP via phone at 423-400-0826 or email at If a team cannot be identified, the Vestry plans to direct funds and energy toward the concert series at the Valle Crucis Community Park, revamping the program.
Holy Cross Centennial Celebration
This year marks 100 years since our community set the cornerstone of the sanctuary that would house our growing closer to God, each other, and our salvation. A small team has been working since last year to plan how we will commemorate this centennial year. We are hoping to provide historical tours, worship events, artistic engagements, storytelling, food, dancing, and celebrating with each other and with the greater community. We need your help. The fun work of planning and executing this event will require many hands. If you would like to help, please reach out to Rev Robert via phone at 423-400-0826 or email at
Lay Reader/Altar Server
Have you ever considered serving at the Altar, or being a Lay Reader during our Sunday service? If so, please contact Nina-Jo Moore at or Karla Prudhomme at to learn more about this exiting opportunity to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King (DOK) meet weekly on Wednesday afternoons at 4:00 p.m. in Skiles Hall. The group invites any women of the church interested in finding out more about DOK to join them. Click here to learn more about DOK!
Choir Practice
Choir practice is held on Wednesday afternoons at 5:30 in Skiles Hall Choir room.
A book group organized 20-plus years ago, would love to have new members. Call or email Judy Bondi for more information about Bookies.
2025 Sunday Morning Worship Schedule (unless otherwise noted above):
9:00a.m. - Valle Crucis United Methodist Church holds their Sunday Service in Holy Cross Sanctuary
11:00 - Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with Music, Unctions and Children's Homily in Holy Cross Sanctuary
12:30p.m. - Fellowship Time in Skiles Hall
The 11:00a.m. service from Holy Cross is Live-Streamed via our YouTube Channel .
Click here to view our Live Streamed and previously recorded services.
Click here to view & download this week's worship leaflet.
Click here to view & download this month's Holy Cross Newsletter.
Online Giving
Online giving is now available - click here or click "Give Online" in the Navigation Bar at the top of the website.
Weeknight Evening Worship Services offered via Zoom
Compline at 8:00 p.m. every Monday & Thursday - click here to join the Zoom meeting
The "Virtual Waiting Room" opens 15 minutes before each service begins.
(Meeting ID: 823 3185 8185)
Contact Angela Williams or Mary Pietan if you have any issues signing on for Compline
The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
This Sacrament is offered at any time by appointment.
Please contact the Rector directly at (828) 963-4609 ext. 22
Further Information & Links:
The current Prayer List is here.
The Latest Sunday Worship Leaflet is here.
The Current Holy Cross Newsletter is here.
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