Parish Prayer List

Please keep the following in your prayers this week, January 16, 2024:

For Healing: Our injured and disabled military personnel, our veterans, all civilians harmedin conflict, and for Dayton C., Wendell S., Noyes L., Marilyn W., Gerry P., Rebecca M., Sam Y., Bill B., Gail T., Julia M., Walter B., Randy M., Shane B., Claire M., Sara P., Tav G., Andrea M., Charles III, Kate M., John N., Floyd T., Ray L., Leslie S., Terry & Jean M., Suzie L., Pam C., Ann G., Jan H., Joe U., Rosalie G., Stuart T., Joe V., Jocelyn,

For those in Harm’s Way:  All who serve with the armed forces at home & abroad, all who serve in the Peace Corps, and all health & relief workers throughout the world.